Half of one sign is already in use, creating a larger sheltered area outside our front door. A fantastic improvement for just under $11.00!
Although we assumed that we had purchased two different sizes, it now seems the four signs are all roughly 3 by 9 metres.
As I looked at the half-sign remaining from our first mission, I wondered if it might be put into service as a caravan cover. I suggested the idea to Nick and so various measurements were made. It could work! We'd already purchased two packets of grommets from Bunnings today, on the way home from the dump shop. (The grommets were intended for a couple of other sign projects but I expect we can use some to create a tie-down cover).
Just before Christmas I bought a $10.00 caravan cover, also from the dump shop. It's in very good condition but not really suitable for our need to waterproof the van against a leaking roof. Around the same time I also bought an outdoor furniture cover to waterproof our bed. It does work but is made of fairly thin plastic, so will have a limited life-span. I'm wondering if part of another sign could become a bed cover!
Look at Bandit supervising the work!!! He's just slipped right into paradise!