It was on the wish-list for our last Yowah visit but didn't eventuate, so was given a higher priority this trip.
There's a lot of nothing at Yowah, so it is the perfect environment for aspiring rocketeers. How so? Well, there are less obstacles and greater visibility, which hopefully means a higher chance of retrieving launched rockets. Fingers crossed!
Nick was in charge of research and found some great YouTube instructions. We planned to purchase our rocket after Vaughan's dental appointment yesterday. Our first-choice rocket shop was a long drive from the dentist, so fortunately Nick read quite a few reviews prior to heading over. The feedback was so poor that we decided to shop elsewhere. We found a hobby shop a short distance from the surgery. Once there we were impressed by the available range - and the helpfulness of the staff member who assisted us.
After much discussion and comparison of kits, we now have two rockets and all the necessary equipment for six launches. You could say we're just about ready for blast-off?!
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