Friday, 10 January 2014

Wash the dishes, pack the dishes!

Our last camping expedition to the Warrumbungles  was almost 18 months ago.  A lot has happened since, not least the fact that we moved interstate - and into Hamby Home(in)stead!

The majority of our belongings did a three to four month stint in storage between states and in the shuffle our camping gear has been well-shuffled!  Nick and I are now starting to round everything up, clean and re-organise it, in preparation for a few nights away to test our new tents - and new Thumper!

I've already done quite a lot of menu-planning - and frozen some meals/meal components in preparation for our time away.  Of course, I'm keen to make life as easy as possible so the chef gets a holiday too! 

Today I washed all our camping cups and plates.  We have a set of eight plates, bowls, thermal cups and plastic beakers.  In addition to the standard enamel plates, I have four deeper dishes that are handy on occasion.  I've also used them at home for making pies and deep-pan pizzas! 

While I was focussed on washing-up, I gathered our camping wash-tub, dish-drainer and assorted necessities.  (The tub needed a serious scrub as it had been used to carry potting mix and wood-ash in recent times).  There's still plenty more packing to do but I've made start - and that's a good thing!

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