Sunday, 12 January 2014

Stretching out the comfort!

When we first started camping in January 2009, Nick and I used what I call "an airbed on legs".  There is a photo of a single version here, which is the style Nissa and Vaughan have been using since July 2010.

We were still using our "airbed on legs" for our last Warrumbungle camping adventure.  The air mattress deflated repeatedly through the night though, so we were "resting" on the pole supports more often than not!  That discomfort aside, the purchase of our new tents prompted us to think about our bedding options while camping.

Earlier this year Nick and tested a double stretcher - alone and with various mattress configurations.

After further research we bought two single stretchers instead. Nick shortened the end bars of each one today, so the pair sit snugly together.

We've had a quick test of the new set-up (including the 4WD mats) and it does seem to be far more comfy than the "air bed on legs"!  Hooray!

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