Friday, 31 January 2014

Pondering the packing!

We started camping five years ago. I've been admiring our camping statistics and reviewing past glory

Each year I tally our camping nights (and total nights away also). It's great to see how far we've gone, in the face of life's interruptions.

2009 - 19 nights away (9 camping)
2010 - 55 nights away (39 camping)
2011 - 33 nights away (15 camping)
2012 - 17 nights away (8 camping)
2013 - 0 ...

Nothing?!  Yep.  Aside from our stint in temporary accommodation, we stayed put.  Well, we moved to Hamby Home(in)stead and then relished having a home again.  A home with responsibilities of cat(s), chooks and calf - though we did enjoy many day-trips exploring our new area.

So.  We've fox-proofed the chooks as much as possible.  The cow's grown-up.  (Sort-of).  And we are currently free for some longer adventuring.  We've started this year wonderfully.  Four nights away already and at this stage another 70 or so planned.  And that's not even the first half of the year!

We won't be camping the whole ten weeks but there are plans for some touring while away.  In our absence, chookies and cow will holiday will our landlady who will also keep an eye on Hamby Home(in)stead.  As usual Keegan (Erin's rainbow lorikeet) will come with us.  This time the cat will come too.  If he doesn't cark it.  We'll find the cat-harness but hang off buying his tent till just before departure - just in case.

How does one pack for 70-plus nights?  I'm not entirely sure.  We'll be camping en route and have other trips planned, so will need all the usual gear (for bush/non-powered sites).  The majority of the time we'll be based in Louie's shack (150km from the nearest large town), so will need different stuff for that. 

On our previous trips, we've taken most of our groceries with us.  Obviously that isn't possible this time due to the extended length of our stay.  There will be extras needed too - cat food and similar necessities as well as school paraphernalia for Vaughan.

I've made a start.  I started a list!!

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