Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Tocumwal Tucker ...

We spotted the Tocumwal Foreshore Park as we crossed the Murray River from Victoria into New South Wales. 

The park looked a good spot for lunch, so we stopped - along with many others.  Given the temperature was around 42 degrees, all the shady tables were taken, so we set up our vintage picnic table under a peppercorn tree.  There was a metal table close by but it was in full sun - and no-one really wanted the midday sun on their face!  (Of course once we were set up, most of the other diners departed and there was then a choice of sheltered tables)!

As part of my menu-planning, I had poached chicken breasts and then frozen them a couple of weeks prior to our departure.  The meat was still a little frozen but didn't remain too icy once sliced on the table!  Our chicken and salad wraps were much appreciated by most of the party.  (Typically, Vaughan ate chicken and wraps - separately)!

You can see Vaughan holding a spray bottle in the larger photo.  Erin's rainbow lorikeet, Keegan, was sprayed regularly while travelling but we all benefited from a light misting when sitting outside!

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