Everyone agreed we should go - and we are very glad we did. We've attended many wildlife shows, watched a lot of nature documentaries, been long-time zoo members and held an annual membership to the Australian Reptile Parkwhen we lived on the Central Coast. Nick and Erin were both WIRES carers before our relocation to Victoria - and Erin is continuing her zookeeping studies. We always enjoy seeing native animal displays but often the information presented isn't new for us.
One man asked which school our son attended but much of Vaughan's knowledge was largely gained outside of school. As early as daycare, Vaughan's heroes were Steve Irwin and David Attenborough (respectively known as "the crocodile man" and "the chameleon man")! He regularly volunteered in shows at The Australian Reptile Park and has soaked up lots of information from various sources (including our many camping and outdoor adventures).
I was unaware they were double-jointed (useful for hunting and protecting themselves against injury). I'd only recently learned of the black/tan colour variation.
Tours of the facility (including a dingo encounter) were available but we'll go back later in the year for that experience. The sanctuary is only open by invitation, however we are now on the mailing list and will be advised of future events and open days.
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