There was a sign in the service station window stating "big scrubbies sold here". We were intrigued.
Erin pointed out it was unlikely that large scrub pythons were being sold but we didn't have any other ideas. As it happens, scrubbies are a type of worm - for fishing! Betcha didn't know that?!
It is around 250km from Deniliquin to home. Yep, we were that close when Elmer conked out! We stopped a few times along the way.
By Tooborac, I needed a loo. As you can see, Vaughan and Erin used the stop to test their balsa planes!
Our next stop was to buy BBQ chickens, chips and salad for lunch. We bought milk closer to home.
It was lunchtime when we arrived home. We'd already eaten the chippies but had a second course of chicken and some salad. Nick unpacked Elmer and then headed off to work. Erin began sorting her caravan. Vaughan happily rediscovered various toys - and I made a slow start on restoring order to chaos (after lighting the fire)!
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