Tuesday 26 January 2010

Ashford adventures

Bakery:  hot pies, salad rolls, drinks, cakes, friendly chats!
We drove back out to Ashford a few times during our stay.  On our first day we called into town hoping someone might be able to fix our damaged tyre.  The locals were chatting on the verandah of the Rural Transaction Centre, admiring a new puppy.  None of them were very optimistic of the town's tyre repair resources but said they would ring the mechanic.

Scotty the "would-be mechanic" rocked up as we were siting outside the bakery, sampling their pies/sausage rolls and milkshakes.  He apologised firstly for not being able to fix our tyre and recommended we drive further to Inverell (another 56kms) for assistance.  Seemingly he had sold off much of his equipment - and many of the town's businesses had also closed in the past two years. In fact, the only signs of life in Ashford were the pub, bakery, Rural Transaction Centre and agricultural supplies store.

Cinema closed "since Jesus played fullback for Jerusalem"

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