Monday 20 December 2010

Green Gate

Home away from home!
We had been on the way to the public phone when we saw the emu parade.

We needed to alert Peter of our arrival but our usual mobiles have no reception at Yowah - and  our new (remote area) mobile still required credit.

The public phone coin box had been full back in July - and perhaps it hadn't been cleared since then?!  In any case the phone was not functioning - so we tried our new NextG mobile instead.

Easier said than done, there was some rigmarole involved in getting the necessary credit organised but once achieved we were able to ring Peter, who greeted us very warmly and escorted us to Louie's house (aka Green Gate), about two doors down from the house where I had lived as a kid.

Louie's house did have a green gate but the fibro sign had fallen onto the ground and cracked in several places.  Soon after arrival, Vaughan discovered a family of brown frogs living under the face-down sign!

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