Thursday 15 September 2011

Behind the green door

Lightning Ridge has four colour-coded "car door tours", each highlighting different points of interest in and near the town.

The tour notes are available from the Visitor Information Centre for $1.00, making the cost of each tour a 25 cent bargain - very cheap entertainment!

The notes for Green Door 7 state:- "The wild orange tree has an 80-foot root system. The Aboriginals made a paste of the fruit. Some miners also regard them (as well as box trees) as surface indicators of opal."

The Australian Opal Centre has produced several information brochures, including one about the various plant sites of Lightning Ridge. It states there is more than one species of wild orange in the area.

My Cronin's Key Guide to Australian Trees provides a little more detail on the fruit, commenting that it has a pleasant odour when ripe.  Given the one Nick cut open smelled "interesting", we assume it had a way to go before being edible!

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