Geocaching had been suggested to me by a colleague, who was a new initiate of the game.
Once home, I urged Nick to research a "gadget" aka GPS unit and we headed out the next day to buy one. (At that stage Nick was still muttering about the nerdiness of the sport). He and I tried for a cache on the way home.
Our efforts were spectacularly unsuccessful but hugely entertaining as we traipsed about in increasingly soggy marshland. When the water rose above our ankles, we finally admitted defeat - squelching back to the car, then heading home to dry off and re-group!
In spite of that less-than-best intro, our enthusiasm was un-dampened. We've made many finds since. You can read about some of our geocaching exploits here. It's been a good way of breaking the journey on long trips, introducing us to little-known spots once in a location - and just generally encouraging everyone out of the house and into the great outdoors, regardless of weather!
Today we logged our 400th find - just over a fortnight after our 4th geocaching anniversary! Typically it began raining heavily as we signed the log-book, so we retreated to a nearby picnic area for our celebratory picnic and special home-baked rainbow cake. As you can see, there were "official" photos - four takes was all it took for Vaughan to co-operate!
I wasn't going to include photos of our cake but it really deserves a mention, because it was so bright on such a dull day!
Erin helped colour the batter - Cookie monster blue, Elmo red and something close to Big Bird yellow! It was super-cheerful!
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