Friday, 30 October 2020

Winton ...

Our phones were way out of range at Winton.  There were some online tasks requiring attention, so we decided on a pub dinner that night, a very easy option - with wifi!  

Willie Mar's garden site is quite close to Tattersalls Hotel.  We had a bit of a wander about, though couldn't enter the buildings.  

Since returning home I've read more about Willie and watched a YouTube clip where people of Winton shared their memories of him.

We sat outside the pub, enjoying drinks and some social media. (Nick/Nik had a song being released the next day, so did some promotion for that).

Our meals were delivered more quickly than we expected, so we ate one-handed while shooing flies with the other hand!  Typically the flies flew off just after sunset (when we'd finished eating) - something we'd noticed out at Innamincka on a previous trip, though there were many more to deal with back then.  I refer to billions in this post!

Day 4 = 288 kilometres

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