Friday, 30 October 2020

Multi-grip on reality!

We woke extra early at Barcaldine, due to the heat of the rising sun hitting one wall of the canvas.  (Our focus the previous afternoon had been setting up in a shade, without thinking of 
morning sunshine).  

It was good we had an early start, Nick discovered a broken trailer latch during pack-up.  It had been dodgy for a while but we thought the box wasn't quite square, not that the latch was failing.  Nick removed the now useless latch and secured that area of the storage box with a pair of multi-grips, so we could travel.  

It was 110km to Longreach (self-titled capital of the Outback).  We found a park opposite Longreach Motors and called in there after spotting the ARB signage.  A nice young guy inspected the broken latch and directed us else-where to source a replacement.  We were unfamiliar with the town, so didn't  understand what he was saying (even after asking him to repeat the name). I diplomatically asked him to enter the address in my phone and we followed the GPS instructions to CentWest Engineering & Steel Supplies.  The salesman there was very impressed with the multigrips hanging on so well!

We bought two latches and then drove further into town (in the hope of finding a shady parking spot), for Nick to fit the new part.  I used the CWA restroom and had a little walk around that area of the town. We don't usually travel with much cash particularly in these COVID times, so I left a small donation in the CWA box - and will try to accumulate more coins for various donations next time we are on tour.

Funny sight - when I returned from my walk, I saw a lady taking a photo of Elmer Fudd while Nick was working on the trailer.  I greeted her and we chatted for a little bit before her husband drove up, keen for her to get in their car!

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