Friday, 30 August 2024

Moree ministrations ...

Our second day started very well.  Pack up was quite smooth.  We checked out on time and acquired some overlooked items before leaving town.

We enjoyed the changing scenery, helped a tortoise across the road - and then lunched at a lovely lookout, where many little birds flitted about in the bushes.

At some stage though, the car started to display a warning light and although the error didn't make any sense, there was understandable stress - mainly because the silly car threathened not to start again, if we turned it off.  Pfft!

We reached Moree late in the afternoon, where we made our way directly to the local Mahindra dealership. A very nice young fellow was able to verify no real issue, which was a great relief!

From there we drove to a helpful auto electrician and Zac was able to replace our smashed Anderson plug, about 30 mins before they were set to close for the weekend. Phew - two issues fairly easily sorted!

After all that excitement, I was very much in need of an hour-long soak in the thermal pool (while Nick and Mr Dog chilled back at our drive-through site).  And yes, our bed was far more comfortable that night (though temperatures were also warmer at Moree).

Day 2, Stanthorpe to Moree - 310km

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