On the way out of town we pulled over to check some signs I'd seen the previous day. They were not large enough to read as we drove past, so it was good to see one up close and view the grass around it.
As previously, we stopped to read the information board at the start of the track. I think we might have been just as taken with the tenacity of a prickly pear growing in the upper branches of a dead tree, too!
We made our way to the Boiling Springs Lookout and set up our chairs and picnic table to enjoy a cuppa and some late morning tea.
Nick had packed two small stoves as one was being finicky. He was able to do some minor repairs to it though, which was great work.
We sat for quite a while, listening to the wind in the grass and nearby trees. It was a very pleasant interlude.
A group of apostle birds visited briefly - and we caught a quick glimpse of a mistletoe bird.
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