Plan B meant we looped around from Skipton to Ballarat via some back-roads, in search of Mount Emu.
We weren't quite sure we'd found Mount Emu, until we went back today with GPS assistance!
Mount seems a rather grand title but we liked the rather pretty hill - both days!
We were a lot better organised this morning, so made an earlier start (in spite of grey skies). After picking up provisions in Ballarat, we had a quick break at Jubilee Park in Skipton (spotted yesterday and noted for future reference).
Bandit enjoyed a short walk around the lake, as did we.
Lake Bolac is about 50km further west of Skipton and we arrived in good time for lunch. As much as we liked the look of old gums by the water's edge, we were amazed by the size and number of mozzies living in the vegetation beneath them, so chose a better lunch spot.
Some of our outings are prompted by things we see on earlier explorations and we made a few mental notes today. I've already started researching for another day-trip.
We got back to Vaughan's school just in time - and then bought a few items for an early sausage sizzle dinner at our local reservoir. Many froggies were singing as we cooked and ate - and I realised we had enjoyed morning tea, lunch and dinner all with frog serenades! How good is that?! After dinner, Vaughan caught a sleek skink - and we spotted an echidna on the way home too. Gotta be happy with a great day out!
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